I had the great fortune to be invited into the Columbus tech community and present my Virtualizing your stack with Vagrant and Puppet talk at the 2013 Columbus Code Camp. I had a blast, and if you're reading this from Columbus, thank you for having such an awesome community.
This talk has been almost completely revamped since the last time I gave it. We walked through what Vagrant is, and how it relates to various virtual machine systems and cloud providers, and then forked from there to talk about how to use Puppet to create meaningful configuration of your servers.
Finally, and I think most importantly, we talked about how to sell the time investment to your superiors, and discussed the fact that if your development environment is not as close of a carbon copy of your production environment as possible, there is no clear way to verify that the code you have in your development environment will work at all once released to production.
(if the slides are not showing up, they may not have finished processing just yet)
Additional resources:
p.s. The video was reconstructed by manually taking the audio and combining them with the images in iMovie. If there's something wrong, please let me know and I will work to correct it.
p.p.s. There is (somehow) a complete section on Hiera missing! I don't know if I opened the wrong slide deck or what. The up side is there apparently wasn't time to cover the material anyway, but the next time I give this talk it will be there.